Ministry Descriptions
Leadership Development
What Leadership Development Is
Leadership Development is a weekend or day of training sessions tailored to
the particular church in question. Colin decides on the subject matter after
consultation with the Senior Pastor of the church or will teach subject matter
requested by the Senior Pastor.
Leadership Development Purpose
The purpose of these sessions is to lift the leadership team, or all those involved
in leadership in the church, inspirationally, educationally, and motivationally to a
fresh level of working and flowing together. The sessions are designed to enhance
the flow of relationships and ministry among those who lead the people of God.
Leadership Development Weekend
A typical training weekend consists of:
Friday evening session with senior pastors and the senior leadership team.
Saturday five to six sessions for anyone who is in leadership of any kind
-- i.e. home group leaders, Sunday school department heads, worship
leaders, etc.
Sunday morning is ministry to the congregation challenging them to prayer and
involvement in ministry, followed by altar time and personal ministry.
If desired, Sunday evening can be an added session geared toward strategy
and building for the future whether it is within the senior team or another group.
-- i.e. worship leaders, C. E. Staff, home group leaders, etc.
Leadership Development One Day Workshop
The one day workshop begins with a continental-type breakfast with the
Senior leadership of the church at 8am followed by five or six sessions for all leadership starting at 9:30am and ending in mid-evening. Again, content and subject matter is determined after consultation with the Senior Pastor reflecting the current needs of the church, its staff and people.
Sample Session Titles
1. God grows His leaders as He grows His church
2. Flowing together as a team
3. Ministering together in the gifts of the Spirit
4. Pursuing relational dimensions of ministry
5. Leadership character, calling, and commitment
Church Recovery
For the last 35 plus years the Wellard’s have been involved in a two-pronged ministry. While they have travelled extensively doing seminars, workshops, conferences and weekend ministry they have also been going into churches that have blown apart, struggling with conflict or in decline and doing recovery ministry. This has served to set the church back on an even keel, resolve its difficulties, and move it into the future as a viable functioning entity. They have been involved with this kind of ministry from British Columbia in the north to New Mexico in the southern states and from Washington State in the west to West Virginia in the east.
The Lord has given them personal gifting and strategies for restoring a church to health and strength. Time, costs, and strategies are all negotiable with the local church in question according to what is needed to see the church recover and move forward into the future with effective ministry. All information regarding any particular situation is kept strictly confidential within the perimeters of the church in question.
Pastoral and Church Consultancy
Over years of pastoral experience and working in church recovery the Wellard’s have been able to consult, counsel and be a blessing to many pastor’s and churches. Their wisdom and giftings have enabled them to assist in navigating through difficult and sometimes and troubled waters. Pastoring and church life is not what it used to be and many challenges face pastors and churches today that did not exist before. They are available for consultancy by phone, one-on-one, or on site at the
church with leadership. All communications in this category are held in the strictest confidence.
School of Prayer
More than ever before the church today needs to have a sure and strong foundation of prayer. The School Of Prayer was originally designed by Dick Eastman of Every Home For Christ (formerly World Literature Crusade) who wrote the powerful book, “The Hour That Changes The World”. This seminar has been very effective in challenging the church and believers to individual and corporate
prayer. In every church that the Wellard’s have pastored or been to do recovery they have laid the foundation of a strong corporate and personal prayer ministry. This workshop and seminar has both the components of teaching and practicum to it which helps people to not only understand the principles but put them into practice before leaving the workshop. Many churches have seen a renewed interest and resurgence in personal and corporate prayer as a result of this presentation.
Praise and Worship Ministry Workshops
Being accomplished musicians and worship leaders it is always a profound joy for Colin & Mary to lead believers into the presence of God through praise & worship. They have imparted solid Biblical principles in their teaching to many congregations, worship leaders and teams. Their sole desire is to see God glorified, exalted and honored as people lift their hearts and voices to worship the King. The principles are theologically sound and practical in application. Their fundamental strategy is to
have participants fully understand the Biblical revelation of worship before engaging in personal and corporate expression. There is also an emphasis placed on not just how to worship but how to flow with Holy Spirit in the worship experience. These workshops can be done over a weekend, a one day workshop or in several evenings depending on the desire of the Senior or Worship Pastor.
Grief and Loss Workshops
These workshops are usually sponsored by a local church as a form of outreach or in cooperation with a local funeral home. They cover important subjects such as:
Understanding the Grief Cycle
Interacting With Those Experiencing Grief
The Importance Of Processing Grief
Two of the sessions also include individuals who have just lost a loved one and also representatives from agencies that provide counsel and help for people who are struggling with grief and loss.
This workshop is beneficial for pastors, counselors, hospice workers or for people just wanting to better understand the grief process with their family and friends. It is a one day workshop that runs from 9am to 4pm. Pastor Colin brings a wealth of study and pastoral counseling experience to these sessions that have benefitted many who have attended.
Short Term Missions
Both Colin & Mary are MK’s (Missionaries’ Kids). Colin’s parents were Salvation Army officers (pastors) who were missionaries to St. Helena and then to South Africa where Colin grew up through age 16. Mary’s folks were missionaries to the First Nations (aboriginal) folks with a gospel boat on the west coast of Canada building and establishing churches in native towns and villages. As a result they both have a heart for missions. To date short term missions have taken them to Europe, Africa, and South America. There is a great need in various mission fields to train pastors and leaders while at the same time encouraging believers through teaching sessions and reaching the lost through evangelistic crusades sponsored by local pastors. The current ground floor opportunity coming up in Cuba has some very exciting potential!! (seeking to raise $3000. for the Cuba project .. can you help?
Bible Design Seminars
Over many years of fruitful ministry the Wellard’s have gained wide experience in their ministry to local churches and in the broad scope of their teaching ability. The Bible Design seminars and workshops are special sessions prepared, compiled and tailored to a local church, ministry group, conference or retreat, as requested by the pastor or those hosting a special event. Some pastors have found that having a guest ministry address certain topics which may be difficult for them because of the local environment or their lack of experience or familiarity with it has been beneficial. Other leaders have wanted topics addressed that they themselves feel are necessary to teach their congregations in depth but with their busy schedules have not had time to research and present. Whatever the topic may be the seminar and workshop sessions are designed with the Word of God being central hence the term ‘Bible Design’.
ESL Sessions for Ethnic Congregations
Colin holds an ESL certificate through the celebrated courses of Oxford Seminars which he acquired at Portland State University in Portland, OR. Colin teaches introductory and basic English sessions to ethnic churches and congregations as desired by the Pastor or Leadership Team. They may span a weekend, several weeknights or a one day sessions for 4-6 weeks in a row. Colin uses scripture as
part of the material for the sessions reaching two goals in one with both language and scriptural knowledge. He is also available to do sessions in the community in a non-church environment as an outreach if the pastor and church so desire.
Weekend, Interim and Supply Ministry
The Wellard’s are available to fill in for pastors who are taking vacation or away for any reason. They also fill in for churches who currently without pastoral leadership till a new pastor is secured. When filling in for churches who are without a pastor they are proactive in ministry to the church family and
community rather than just helping the church mark time until a new ministry is installed. The combination of their ability to passionately lead worship, love people and teach the Word of God has allowed many churches to both sustain and increase in growth during their tenure. As one pastor put it, “Where Colin goes the kingdom grows!”
Conference and Retreat Ministry
The Wellard’s have been privileged to be speakers at a variety of conferences and retreats. While Colin has spoken at both denominational and non-denominational pastors and leadership conferences, men’s and youth retreats, Mary has spoken at women’s retreats and women’s sessions at denominational leadership conferences. Together they have done marriage retreats, worship
retreats and Holy Spirit workshops and a variety of other ministry venues as the Lord opened doors and opportunity presented themselves.