To build and affirm pastors’ confidence in their calling and leadership.
To inspire church leaders with insights into biblical principles that result in solid Biblical leadership.
To provide leaders and believers with practical ideas and concepts for effective ministry.
To instruct leaders and believers in the operation of their gifts and release them in ministry.
To empower leaders and believers to flow together to accomplish great things for God.
To encourage leaders and believers to be led by the Holy Spirit in life and ministry.
To strengthen churches in their structure and operation.
We value ministry as a team.
We value leaders and believers being continual learners.
We value levels of leadership being equal in value but different in function.
We value honor and appreciation for the diversity of giftings.
We value ministry with a servant’s heart and spirit.
We value prayer and intercession, praise and worship as vital components of true ministry.
We value the Word of God as the authoritative foundation of all practical ministry.