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God's Keeping Power

“Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation,

ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1:5)

How much effort is expended to keep our possessions, our valuables, and ourselves safe? Our country has established the Department of Homeland Security. Yet despite every safety device and method known, very often human efforts fail.

What a comfort to know we are kept by the power of God. What a security this provides for us. Peter experienced this power of God. Although he was very likely a physically strong and robust man, yet he was spiritually weak. His intentions were good, but often he failed the Lord. However, when he truly committed his life to God and His keeping power, he became one of the most courageous followers of Christ.

Psalm 62: 11 says that “Power belongs to God.” This power never fails. This is the power that created the universe, that keeps the stars in place, that raised the Lord from the dead. How foolish to continually worry and fret when we are in His keeping power. Not only am I kept by the power of God, but all I need is being kept for me in His great storehouse. I have His protection and His provision.

God's word frequently speaks of His power to keep us. Look at Genesis 28:15a, or 1 Samuel 2:9a. But tuck away in your heart Psalm 91: 11: "For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”

Let's pause and thank Him for His keeping power today!!


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