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What Was Found At Bethlehem

“Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass”

Luke 2:15 NKJV)

Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth tells of shepherds, society’s outcasts, who were terrified – and their terror was understandable. After all, when was the last time you had angels all of a sudden appear to you out of nowhere, or God’s blinding glory shine on you?

After assuring the fearful few that there was no reason to be afraid, the angel announced the good news. It was (and is) good news for all people, including the fringe society, like the shepherds. And, just in case they wondered if someone was pulling the ‘wool over their eyes’, God provided a heavenly host as a back-up choir. God has done what He had promised, even if His people didn’t really remember His promises. After the heavenly messengers left, we can only imagine that the night’s silence hung heavy over the surprised shepherds.

Finally, after recovering from the initial shock they said, “Let’s go the Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass!” Did they understand right at that moment what had really happened? – don’t know…probably not. Sleepy shepherds and angelic announcements weren’t a common combination; after all…..they still aren’t!!!

Coming to Bethlehem the shepherds did not see any bright blue ‘It’s a boy’ sign in the driveway. There was no reception at the ‘Bethlehem Bed & Breakfast’ with Joseph and Mary as honored parents. It was still a quiet moment in Judea. With no room in the inn the shepherds found the child in a stable – a shelter for animals. The King’s throne was made of lumber and the throne room smelled of animals, as a young mother and father tended to the needs of their newborn. Can we expect any more humbling sight than what we see in Bethlehem?

What the shepherds found at that scene of humility was put in true perspective by the Apostle Paul when he wrote, “Though He was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich!” (2 Corinthians 8:9). Wow!!! What was found at Bethlehem was more than a child, it was the door to eternal life which is the true foundation for becoming rich….forever!!!

“And now let the weak say I am strong

Let the poor say I am rich

Because of what the Lord has done for us.

Give thanks!!

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