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“All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned to us by the One who sent Me,

because there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end!”

(John 9:4 NLT)

Our destiny has eternal significance and can impact the eternal destiny of other people. That being so, it has to be more important than any job, achievement, or goals we can reach during our life here on earth. The consequences of our God-given mission will last forever, the consequences of our job may not. Nothing else we do will ever matter as much as helping people establish an eternal relationship with God. It is for this reason that we must be urgent about knowing our destiny and completing our mission. Jesus speaking in our text above says, “All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the One who sent Me, because there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end!” (John 9:4)

We must realize that the clock is ticking down on our life mission, so we can’t delay in anyway. Get started reaching out to others. We will have all eternity to celebrate with those we have brought, or helped to bring, to Jesus; but we only have this lifetime in which to reach them. Jesus taught, and the scriptures indicate to us, that we must be diligent in continually looking for people God will place in our path with whom we can share the gospel.

God planned our destinies long before we were born. The scripture indicates that He planned it from the foundation of the world. Psalm 139 reminds us that, “All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:16). God created us for our destiny and our destiny is part of a long plan that extends before and after us. But as we journey toward that destiny we need to be continually aware of how God is allowing our lives to affect others. The great commandment to love God and love people, and the great commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel, go hand in hand and are part of the destiny of every believer. The Psalmist said, “My times are in Your hands!”

How do you think your life and the pursuit of your destiny in God is affecting other people for the kingdom? The words of an old song come to mind in which the composer wrote from his heart about letting his life and destiny affect other people. He wrote….

Lord lay some soul upon my heart

And love that soul through me

And may I ever do my part

To win that soul for Thee

May the Lord help us to realize that our destiny is definitely in His hands, but also to realize that in our pursuit of that destiny someone else’s destiny could be impacted eternally. Wow!!

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