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“My soul cleaveth unto the dust; quicken Thou me according to Thy word!”

(Psalm 119:25)

Many people are good beginners but poor finishers. About the middle of any assignment they begin to sag a little or run out of steam and fail to follow through, so they hand it over to “Joe Blow” to take care of. Sometimes we have to come to the conclusion that we need fixing along the way. What does the phrase “cleaveth unto the dust” mean? Quite simple, it means I stick to what I’m made of. We are human, made of the dust of the earth (clay); and we have faults and problems sometimes. The only way to improve ourselves is to give ourselves to the “Improver”…Jesus. He made us so He knows how to deal with us…all for our good.

There was a young guy driving a Model T Ford. Some sort of mechanical breakdown occurred and he couldn’t get it started. While on the side of the road, a long black touring car pulled up alongside and a tall thin man got out. The man went over and asked what the problem was. The young man just said that the thing wouldn’t go. The man offered to take a look at it, and in doing so, adjusted this and twisted that and then said, “Turn the motor over and see what happens.” The guy turned the key (the old Fords used to have four separate coils that would buzz when you turned the key on, then you pressed the starter and the motor would leap to life---so I’m told), the old Model T coughed and sputtered then roared to life. The young man said; “Thank you, and what is your name?” (You probably see this coming!)…the stranger said; “I’m Henry Ford.” He knew all about Model T’s… he could fix them because he made them!

So it is with us. When our Christian lives seem like they’re sagging, running out of steam or stuck in trouble, let’s not pull off the highway of life and lament about it. Let us turn to our Maker, our Improver, the One who can ‘fine tune’ the engine of our lives and let Him quicken us “according to His word” and His power. If we do this, we will have strength to carry on, carry through and finish well. (Matthew 25:21) PTL!

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