“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth!”
(Matthew 5:5 NIV)
Have you ever yearned for your life to make a difference, yet somehow you just can’t seem to get there? Have you ever longed for a change in a situation, but it just doesn’t happen? Where do we find the power and ability to make a real difference in our lives? In our text Jesus is teaching the crowds who have gathered to hear Him in His famous discourse of the Sermon on the Mount! Here He teaches that real power is found in one of the strangest and most unexpected places; real power is found in meekness!
Now, when we talk about meekness, or gentleness, we tend to think of something sweet and gentle like a lamb or a baby. But in God’s dictionary, meek does not mean weak. It is a reference to power under control. Let your imagination wander for a moment and think back to the times you’ve seen the space shuttle launched. You see those exterior rockets light up and the shuttle blasts off into orbit. There is an enormous amount of energy involved in that lift off. If you took that same amount of energy and created an explosion, it would destroy the launch pad. But, because that energy is funneled in a certain direction and under certain controls, it is instead able to launch the shuttle into space.
This is what God wants to do in our lives. He wants to take the power we have in our words, in our emotions, and in our drive for life, and put it under His direct control. But that is our choice. In order to be powerful, purposeful, and effective in our Christian living and ministry the Creator’s way is best. We can choose to live our lives in one of three ways:
1. The Out-Of Control Life – this kind of living destroys everything around us.It’s explosive with a lot of anger, bitterness, other similar issues, destructive power, and undisciplined actions. It might seem like a lot is happening, but it eventually leads to destruction in all areas.
2. The In-Control-Life – in this type of living, we try to control every aspect of our own lives.This approach most often leaves us tired, worn out, and stressed out as we realize that we can’t work everything out by ourselves and can’t keep everything in check as we’d like it to be.
3. The God-Controlled Life – in this type of living we take the power God has given us and we give it back to Him to channel or control. We stop trying to control everything ourselves and position ourselves in a place of rest….i.e. resting in His control and grace. Under God’s control we can be used by Him in ways we never thought possible as He guides us in His intended plans and purposes for our lives.
Of course it’s a no-brainer as to which way of living would be the most fruitful and effective for all of us. When we submit our lives to God’s control it will produce the fruit that Paul talked about in Galatians 5:22-23, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” David, despite all his struggles and failures from time to time, sought to place his life under the Lord’s control. His heart’s intent is seen when he prayed, “Lead me in the way everlasting!” (Psalm 139:24)
The scripture records that God considered Moses to be one of the meekest people on earth. Take time to study his life and see what God shows you about meekness. Submit control of your life to God and prepare now for effective Christian living. Let our prayers echo those of the songwriter, Doris Akers, who wrote:
Lead me, guide me, along life’s way
For when you lead me I cannot not stray
Lord let me walk each day with You
Lead me, O Lord, lead me
Mmmmmmm……….think about it!!!